Call for Papers
The Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society invites proposals for papers to be delivered at its fourteenth annual conference to be held at University of Notre Dame, Sydney, Australia, from Thursday morning, 25September to Saturday afternoon, 27September, 2025, convened by Dr. Kevin Wagner with the assistance of Dr. Mario Baghos and Dr. Edwina Murphy (Australian University of Theology). Papers on original, unpublished topics are 30 minutes in duration (20 minutes delivery and 10 minutes for discussion). The Society welcomes all proposals that explore any theme relevant to the early Christian world from the New Testament to the end of Late Antiquity, and especially those that focus on this year’s theme: Scripture in Early Christianity.
Papers may approach the theme from a variety of perspectives: the use of a particular Old Testament text in the New, a biblical text traced through a number of authors, or a particular author's use of a book of the Bible. Other papers may focus on hermeneutical approaches (including the influence of philosophy on exegesis and doctrine) or aspects of canon.
A 150-word abstract should be sent by 7 March, 2023 to Kevin (kevin.wagner@nd.edu.au) and Assoc. Prof. Geoffrey D. Dunn (gdd62au@hotmail.com) as an attachment. Please indicate in your email what technological requirements you have in terms of Powerpoint and the like. Further questions can be addressed to Kevin. Other proposals besides the conference theme are most welcome. Papers are presented in English (or other languages as appropriate). Our practice is that all conference presenters distribute copies of their papers (minus notes) in English to participants to minimise language difficulties. Presenters need to bring their own copies for distribution (typically about 20-30 per session). Registration forms and further details will be available soon on this website shortly. There will be an opportunity for some cultural event in Sydney on the Friday afternoon, before a conference dinner that evening.