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Singapore - 13th Conference

Trinity Theological College
7-9 September
Theme: Pluralistic Contexts in Early Christianity

Rather than hold an online conference, we decided in the light of COVID to wait until we could hold our thirteenth conference in Singapore in person, which we were able to do in 2023. Thanks go to Leonard Wee and James Lim from Trinity Theological College for organising our conference so superbly. We enjoyed two keynote presentations: one from Dr Li Tang from University of Salzburg, Austria, with a presentation on Thursday entitled "Encountering a Pluralistic World: Syriac Christianity along the Ancient Silk Road" and one of Saturday from Dr Tan Kim Huat from Trinity Theological College, Singapore, entitled "Early Christianity and Anthroponymic Alteration."


There were five workshop sessions consisting of forty-one papers. Presenters cam from Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Poland, Canada, Romania, and the United Kingdom, covering a wide range of biblical and post-biblical topics in early Christianity.


A concert of acoustic Christian music was held on the Thursday evening. Participants were treated toa visit to Asian Civilisations Museum in the centre of Singapore on the Friday afternoon. The conference dinner on the Friday evening was at Chilli Padi Tok Panjang. 


It was delightful to be able to be together again and catch up with old friends and make new ones. It was fantastic to see so many new participants from around the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Once again, our gratitude goes to the convenors and their team for all the hard work, over a number of years, to make this conference a success.


Photos by Geoffrey D. Dunn

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